SURFDAWave (Sweep inference Using Regularized FDA with Wavelets)
An R program that implements the classifier and predictor SURFDAWave of Mughal et al. (2019) for identifying adaptive targets and learning their evolutionary parameters using the spatial distribution of summary statistics around a test site.

Results of genome scans for selective sweeps using SURFDAWave as applied to seven 1000 Genomes Project populations in Mughal et al. (2019).
[Click to download scan results (238 MB download)]

Please cite the following manuscript if using this software:
MR Mughal, H Koch, J Huang, F Chiaromonte, M DeGiorgio (2019) Learning the properties of adaptive regions with functional data analysis. bioRxiv

[Click to download manual]
[Click to download software]

On a UNIX system, extract the compressed files using the command
tar -xzvf surfdawave.tar.gz
Change directory to using a command such as
cd surfdawave
The FDAclass.R classifier and the FDApred.R predictor scripts will be located in the surfdawave directory

Software history
November 6, 2019 - Uploaded version 1.0 of the software and manual