Current funding

National Institutes of Health Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) for Established Investigators (2R35GM128590; 2024-2029) [Principal Investigator]

National Science Foundation (DEB-2302258; 2023-2026) [Principal Investigator]

National Science Foundation (DBI-2130666; 2021-2025) [Co-Principal Investigator]

National Institutes of Health Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) for Early Stage Investigators (1R35GM128590; 2018-2024) [Principal Investigator]

National Science Foundation (BCS-2001063; 2019-2024) [Principal Investigator]

Previous funding

National Science Foundation (DEB-1949268; 2018-2023) [Principal Investigator]

National Science Foundation (IIS-2027339; 2020-2022) [Co-Principal Investigator]

National Institutes of Health (R01GM130691; 2019-2023, relinquished due to MIRA R35GM128590) [Co-Investigator]

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (2017-2019) [Principal Investigator]

National Science Foundation (DBI-1103639; 2011-2013) [Principal Investigator]